Ok, I am really not sure why brussel sprouts get such a bad rap, but veggie mama likes 'em! I have challenged myself to try a new vegetable every so often, and the other day at the store I saw these little guys:

They looked innocent enough sitting in their little bucket all small and cute, so I did it. I bought about 5 of them and brought them home to cook them. I was scared. I will admit that. All I have ever heard is they are the armpit of vegetables and you are nuts and lying if you like them. Well, I am nuts, but I am not liar! I like 'em! The first time I had them I cut the end off and sliced them, then browned them in a fry pan then added a little veggie broth to it to get them nice and soft. Cause that is one thing I will say. If you don't cook them long enough they can definately put up a fight in your mouth and be a little hard to swallow.
After that the next time I went to the store and I bought 8. This time I just cut the little end off, which gets all of the outer leaves off, then quartered them and steamed them about 10 minutes and just salt and peppered them. They turn a really bright beautiful green and are quite tasty.
So, go forth my friends and pop them into your cart next time you are at the store. I double dog dare ya!
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